一、在Html的事件裡可以放入要執行的JavaScript code
<button onclick='getElementById("demo").innerHTML=Date()'>The time is?</button>
<button onclick="this.innerHTML=Date()">The time is?</button>
Event | Description |
onchange | An HTML element has been changed |
onclick | The user clicks an HTML element |
onmouseover | The user moves the mouse over an HTML element |
onmouseout | The user moves the mouse away from an HTML element |
onkeydown | The user pushes a keyboard key |
onload | The browser has finished loading the page |
四、於Script裡面寫觸發事件,而Html裡面的內容可以不指定event handle
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> </head> <body> <p>Click "Try it" to execute the displayDate() function.</p> <button id="myBtn">Try it</button> <p id="demo"></p> <script> document.getElementById("myBtn").onclick = function () { displayDate() }; function displayDate() { document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = Date(); } </script> </body> </html>
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body onload="checkCookies()"> <p id="demo"></p> <script> function checkCookies() { var text = ""; if (navigator.cookieEnabled == true) { text = "Cookies are enabled."; } else { text = "Cookies are not enabled."; } document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = text; } </script> </body> </html>
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <script> function myFunction() { var x = document.getElementById("fname"); x.value = x.value.toUpperCase(); } </script> </head> <body> Enter your name: <input type="text" id="fname" onchange="myFunction()"> <p>When you leave the input field, a function is triggered which transforms the input text to upper case.</p> </body> </html>
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <div onmouseover="mOver(this)" onmouseout="mOut(this)" style="background-color:#D94A38;width:120px;height:20px;padding:40px;"> Mouse Over Me </div> <script> function mOver(obj) { obj.innerHTML = "Thank You" } function mOut(obj) { obj.innerHTML = "Mouse Over Me" } </script> </body> </html>
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <div onmousedown="mDown(this)" onmouseup="mUp(this)" style="background-color:#D94A38;width:90px;height:20px;padding:40px;"> Click Me </div> <script> function mDown(obj) { = "#1ec5e5"; obj.innerHTML = "Release Me"; } function mUp(obj) { = "#D94A38"; obj.innerHTML = "Thank You"; } </script> </body> </html>
八、HTML DOM Events參考資料
DOM: Indicates in which DOM Level the property was introduced.
Mouse Events
Event | Description | DOM |
onclick | The event occurs when the user clicks on an element | 2 |
oncontextmenu | The event occurs when the user right-clicks on an element to open a context menu | |
ondblclick | The event occurs when the user double-clicks on an element | 2 |
onmousedown | The event occurs when a user presses a mouse button over an element | 2 |
onmouseenter | The event occurs when the pointer is moved onto an element | 2 |
onmouseleave | The event occurs when the pointer a user moves the mouse pointer out of an element | 2 |
onmousemove | The event occurs when the pointer is moving while it is over an element | 2 |
onmouseover | The event occurs when the pointer is moved onto an element, or onto one of its children | 2 |
onmouseout | The event occurs when a user moves the mouse pointer out of an element, or out of one of its children | 2 |
onmouseup | The event occurs when a user releases a mouse button over an element | 2 |
Keyboard Events
Event | Description | DOM |
onkeydown | The event occurs when the user is pressing a key | 2 |
onkeypress | The event occurs when the user presses a key | 2 |
onkeyup | The event occurs when the user releases a key | 2 |
Frame/Object Events
Event | Description | DOM |
onabort | The event occurs when the loading of a resource has been aborted | 2 |
onbeforeunload | The event occurs before the document is unloaded | 2 |
onerror | The event occurs when an error occurs while loading an external file | 2 |
onhashchange | The event occurs when there has been changes to the anchor part of the current URL | |
onload | The event occurs when an object has loaded | 2 |
onresize | The event occurs when a document view is resized | 2 |
onscroll | The event occurs when an element's scrollbar is being scrolled | 2 |
onunload | The event occurs once a page has unloaded (for <body>) | 2 |
Form Events
Event | Description | DOM |
onblur | The event occurs when an element loses focus | 2 |
onchange | The event occurs when the content of a form element, the selection, or the checked state have changed (for <input>, <keygen>, <select>, and <textarea>) | 2 |
onfocus | The event occurs when an element gets focus | 2 |
onfocusin | The event occurs when an element is about to get focus | 2 |
onfocusout | The event occurs when an element is about to lose focus | 2 |
oninput | The event occurs when an element gets user input | 3 |
oninvalid | The event occurs when an element is invalid | |
onreset | The event occurs when a form is reset | 2 |
onsearch | The event occurs when a user writes something in a search field (for <input="search">) | |
onselect | The event occurs after the user selects some text (for <input> and <textarea>) | 2 |
onsubmit | The event occurs when a form is submitted | 2 |
Drag Events
Event | Description | DOM |
ondrag | The event occurs when an element is being dragged | |
ondragend | The event occurs when the user has finished dragging an element | |
ondragenter | The event occurs when the dragged element enters the drop target | |
ondragleave | The event occurs when the dragged element leaves the drop target | |
ondragover | The event occurs when the dragged element is over the drop target | |
ondragstart | The event occurs when the user starts to drag an element | |
ondrop | The event occurs when the dragged element is dropped on the drop target |
Clipboard Events
Event | Description | DOM |
oncopy | The event occurs when the user copies the content of an element | |
oncut | The event occurs when the user cuts the content of an element | |
onpaste | The event occurs when the user pastes some content in an element |
Print Events
Event | Description | DOM |
onafterprint | The event occurs when a page has started printing, or if the print dialogue box has been closed | |
onbeforeprint | The event occurs when a page is about to be printed |
Media Events
Event | Description | DOM |
onabort | The event occurs when the loading of an audio/video is aborted | |
oncanplay | The event occurs when the browser can start playing the audio/video | |
oncanplaythrough | The event occurs when the browser can play through the audio/video without stopping for buffering | |
ondurationchange | The event occurs when the duration of the audio/video is changed | |
onemptied | The event occurs when the current playlist is empty | |
onended | The event occurs when the audio/video has ended | |
onerror | The event occurs when an error occurred during the loading of an audio/video | |
onloadeddata | The event occurs when the browser has loaded the current frame of the audio/video | |
onloadedmetadata | The event occurs when the browser has loaded meta data for the audio/video | |
onloadstart | The event occurs when the browser starts looking for the audio/video | |
onpause | The event occurs when the audio/video has been paused | |
onplay | The event occurs when the audio/video has been started or is no longer paused | |
onplaying | The event occurs when the audio/video is ready to play after having been paused or stopped for buffering | |
onprogress | The event occurs when the browser is downloading the audio/video | |
onratechange | The event occurs when the playing speed of the audio/video is changed | |
onseeked | The event occurs when the user is finished moving/skipping to a new position in the audio/video | |
onseeking | The event occurs when the user starts moving/skipping to a new position in the audio/video | |
onstalled | The event occurs when the browser is trying to get media data, but data is not available | |
onsuspend | The event occurs when the browser is intentionally not getting media data | |
ontimeupdate | The event occurs when the current playback position has changed | |
onvolumechange | The event occurs when the volume has been changed | |
onwaiting | The event occurs when the video stops because it needs to buffer the next frame |
Animation Events
Event | Description | DOM |
animationend | The event occurs when a CSS animation has completed | |
animationiteration | The event occurs when a CSS animation is repeated | |
animationstart | The event occurs when a CSS animation has started |
Transition Events
Event | Description | DOM |
transitionend | The event occurs when a CSS transition has completed |
Misc Events
Event | Description | DOM |
onmessage | The event occurs when a message is received through or from an object (WebSocket, Web Worker, Event Source or a child frame or a parent window) | |
ononline | The event occurs when the browser starts to work online | |
onoffline | The event occurs when the browser starts to work offline | |
onpopstate | The event occurs when the window's history changes | |
onshow | The event occurs when a <menu> element is shown as a context menu | |
onstorage | The event occurs when a Web Storage area is updated | |
ontoggle | The event occurs when the user opens or closes the <details> element | |
onwheel | The event occurs when the wheel button of a mouse rolls |
Event Object
Constant | Description | DOM |
CAPTURING_PHASE | The current event phase is the capture phase (3) | 1 |
AT_TARGET | The current event is in the target phase, i.e. it is being evaluated at the event target (1) | 2 |
BUBBLING_PHASE | The current event phase is the bubbling phase (2) | 3 |
Property | Description | DOM |
bubbles | Returns whether or not an event is a bubbling event | 2 |
cancelable | Returns whether or not an event can have its default action prevented | 2 |
currentTarget | Returns the element whose event listeners triggered the event | 2 |
eventPhase | Returns which phase of the event flow is currently being evaluated | 2 |
target | Returns the element that triggered the event | 2 |
timeStamp | Returns the time (in milliseconds relative to the epoch) at which the event was created | 2 |
type | Returns the name of the event | 2 |
Method | Description | DOM |
initEvent() | Specifies the event type, whether or not the event can bubble, whether or not the event's default action can be prevented | 2 |
preventDefault() | To cancel the event if it is cancelable, meaning that any default action normally taken by the implementation as a result of the event will not occur | 2 |
stopPropagation() | To prevent further propagation of an event during event flow | 2 |
EventTarget Object
Method | Description | DOM |
addEventListener() | Allows the registration of event listeners on the event target (IE8 = attachEvent()) | 2 |
dispatchEvent() | Allows to send the event to the subscribed event listeners (IE8 = fireEvent()) | 2 |
removeEventListener() | Allows the removal of event listeners on the event target (IE8 = detachEvent()) | 2 |
EventListener Object
Method | Description | DOM |
handleEvent() | Called whenever an event occurs of the event type for which the EventListener interface was registered | 2 |
DocumentEvent Object
Method | Description | DOM |
createEvent() | 2 |
MouseEvent/KeyboardEvent Object
Property | Description | DOM |
altKey | Returns whether or not the "ALT" key was pressed when an event was triggered | 2 |
button | Returns which mouse button was clicked when an event was triggered | 2 |
clientX | Returns the horizontal coordinate of the mouse pointer, relative to the current window, when an event was triggered | 2 |
clientY | Returns the vertical coordinate of the mouse pointer, relative to the current window, when an event was triggered | 2 |
ctrlKey | Returns whether or not the "CTRL" key was pressed when an event was triggered | 2 |
keyIdentifier | Returns the identifier of a key | 3 |
keyLocation | Returns the location of the key on the device | 3 |
metaKey | Returns whether or not the "meta" key was pressed when an event was triggered | 2 |
relatedTarget | Returns the element related to the element that triggered the event | 2 |
screenX | Returns the horizontal coordinate of the mouse pointer, relative to the screen, when an event was triggered | 2 |
screenY | Returns the vertical coordinate of the mouse pointer, relative to the screen, when an event was triggered | 2 |
shiftKey | Returns whether or not the "SHIFT" key was pressed when an event was triggered | 2 |
Method | Description | W3C |
initMouseEvent() | Initializes the value of a MouseEvent object | 2 |
initKeyboardEvent() | Initializes the value of a KeyboardEvent object | 3 |