border tag可以針對顏色(color)、樣式(style)、寬度(width)類別做控制,
border-color可以使用name、 RGB、 Hex來表示
一個CSS寫法如p {border-style: none;}
<html> <style type="text/css"> .thin { border-style: solid; border-width: thin; } .medium { border-style: solid; border-width: medium; } .thick { border-style: solid; border-width: thick; } </style> <body> <p class="thin">aaa</p> <p class="medium">aaa</p> <p class="thick">aaa</p> </body> </html>
border-style: dotted; dotted影響範圍為上下左右
border-style:dotted solid; dotted影響範圍為上下,solid影響範圍為左右
border-style: dotted solid double; dotted影響範圍為上,solid影響範圍為左右,double影響範圍為下
border-style: dotted solid double dashed; dotted影響範圍為上,solid影響範圍為右,double影響範圍為下,dashed影響範圍為左(順時鐘)
三、border shorthand property可控制顏色(color)、樣式(style)、寬度(width)屬性
例如:border: 5px solid red;
例如:border-top: thick double #ff0000;
<html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <title></title> <style> div { width: 0; height: 0; border-style: solid; border-width: 200px 100px 0 100px; border-color: #bf00ff transparent transparent transparent; } </style> </head> <body> <div></div> </body> </html>
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width"> <style> /* General CSS Setup */ body { background-color: lightblue; font-family: "Ubuntu-Italic", "Lucida Sans", helvetica, sans; } /* container */ .container { padding: 5% 5%; } /* CSS talk bubble */ .talk-bubble { margin: 40px; display: inline-block; position: relative; width: 200px; height: auto; background-color: lightyellow; } .border { border: 8px solid #666; } .round { border-radius: 30px; -webkit-border-radius: 30px; -moz-border-radius: 30px; } /* Right triangle placed top left flush. */ .tri-right.border.left-top:before { content: ' '; position: absolute; width: 0; height: 0; left: -40px; right: auto; top: -8px; bottom: auto; border: 32px solid; border-color: #666 transparent transparent transparent; } .tri-right.left-top:after { content: ' '; position: absolute; width: 0; height: 0; left: -20px; right: auto; top: 0px; bottom: auto; border: 22px solid; border-color: lightyellow transparent transparent transparent; } /* Right triangle, left side slightly down */ .tri-right.border.left-in:before { content: ' '; position: absolute; width: 0; height: 0; left: -40px; right: auto; top: 30px; bottom: auto; border: 20px solid; border-color: #666 #666 transparent transparent; } .tri-right.left-in:after { content: ' '; position: absolute; width: 0; height: 0; left: -20px; right: auto; top: 38px; bottom: auto; border: 12px solid; border-color: lightyellow lightyellow transparent transparent; } /*Right triangle, placed bottom left side slightly in*/ .tri-right.border.btm-left:before { content: ' '; position: absolute; width: 0; height: 0; left: -8px; right: auto; top: auto; bottom: -40px; border: 32px solid; border-color: transparent transparent transparent #666; } .tri-right.btm-left:after { content: ' '; position: absolute; width: 0; height: 0; left: 0px; right: auto; top: auto; bottom: -20px; border: 22px solid; border-color: transparent transparent transparent lightyellow; } /*Right triangle, placed bottom left side slightly in*/ .tri-right.border.btm-left-in:before { content: ' '; position: absolute; width: 0; height: 0; left: 30px; right: auto; top: auto; bottom: -40px; border: 20px solid; border-color: #666 transparent transparent #666; } .tri-right.btm-left-in:after { content: ' '; position: absolute; width: 0; height: 0; left: 38px; right: auto; top: auto; bottom: -20px; border: 12px solid; border-color: lightyellow transparent transparent lightyellow; } /*Right triangle, placed bottom right side slightly in*/ .tri-right.border.btm-right-in:before { content: ' '; position: absolute; width: 0; height: 0; left: auto; right: 30px; bottom: -40px; border: 20px solid; border-color: #666 #666 transparent transparent; } .tri-right.btm-right-in:after { content: ' '; position: absolute; width: 0; height: 0; left: auto; right: 38px; bottom: -20px; border: 12px solid; border-color: lightyellow lightyellow transparent transparent; } /*Right triangle, placed bottom right side slightly in*/ .tri-right.border.btm-right:before { content: ' '; position: absolute; width: 0; height: 0; left: auto; right: -8px; bottom: -40px; border: 20px solid; border-color: #666 #666 transparent transparent; } .tri-right.btm-right:after { content: ' '; position: absolute; width: 0; height: 0; left: auto; right: 0px; bottom: -20px; border: 12px solid; border-color: lightyellow lightyellow transparent transparent; } /* Right triangle, right side slightly down*/ .tri-right.border.right-in:before { content: ' '; position: absolute; width: 0; height: 0; left: auto; right: -40px; top: 30px; bottom: auto; border: 20px solid; border-color: #666 transparent transparent #666; } .tri-right.right-in:after { content: ' '; position: absolute; width: 0; height: 0; left: auto; right: -20px; top: 38px; bottom: auto; border: 12px solid; border-color: lightyellow transparent transparent lightyellow; } /* Right triangle placed top right flush. */ .tri-right.border.right-top:before { content: ' '; position: absolute; width: 0; height: 0; left: auto; right: -40px; top: -8px; bottom: auto; border: 32px solid; border-color: #666 transparent transparent transparent; } .tri-right.right-top:after { content: ' '; position: absolute; width: 0; height: 0; left: auto; right: -20px; top: 0px; bottom: auto; border: 20px solid; border-color: lightyellow transparent transparent transparent; } /* talk bubble contents */ .talktext { padding: 1em; text-align: left; line-height: 1.5em; } .talktext p { /* remove webkit p margins */ -webkit-margin-before: 0em; -webkit-margin-after: 0em; } </style> </head> <body> <div class="talk-bubble"> <div class="talktext"> <p>CSS Talk Bubble configured by classes. Defaults to square shape, no triangle. Height is auto-adjusting to the height of the text.</p> </div> </div> <div class="talk-bubble tri-right left-top"> <div class="talktext"> <p>This one adds a right triangle on the left, flush at the top by using .tri-right and .left-top to specify the location.</p> </div> </div> <div class="talk-bubble tri-right left-in"> <div class="talktext"> <p>This talk-bubble uses .left-in class to show a triangle on the left slightly indented. Still a blocky square.</p> </div> </div> <div class="talk-bubble tri-right round btm-left"> <div class="talktext"> <p>And now using .round we can smooth the sides down. Also uses .btm-left to show a triangle at the bottom flush to the left.</p> </div> </div> <div class="talk-bubble tri-right border round btm-left-in"> <div class="talktext"> <p>Now we add a border and it looks like a comic. Uses .border .round and .btm-left-in</p> </div> </div> <div class="talk-bubble tri-right border btm-right-in"> <div class="talktext"> <p>Now flipped the other way and square. Uses .border and .btm-right-in</p> </div> </div> <div class="talk-bubble tri-right btm-right"> <div class="talktext"> <p>Flush to the bottom right. Uses .btm-right only.</p> </div> </div> <div class="talk-bubble tri-right round right-in"> <div class="talktext"> <p>Moving our way back up the right side indented. Uses .round and .right-in</p> </div> </div> <div class="talk-bubble tri-right round border right-top"> <div class="talktext"> <p>And finally on the right flush at the top. Uses .round .border and .right-top</p> </div> </div> </body> </html>
<html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title>CSS Breadcrumbs demo</title> <style> body, div, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, ul, ol, li, dl, dt, dd, img, form, fieldset, input, textarea, blockquote { margin: 0; padding: 0; border: 0; } body { margin: 200px; font-family: Helvetica; background: #d4f2ff; } #crumbs { text-align: center; } #crumbs ul { list-style: none; display: inline-table; } #crumbs ul li { display: inline; } #crumbs ul li a { display: block; float: left; height: 50px; background: #3498db; text-align: center; padding: 30px 40px 0 80px; position: relative; margin: 0 10px 0 0; font-size: 20px; text-decoration: none; color: #fff; } #crumbs ul li a:after { content: ""; border-top: 40px solid transparent; border-bottom: 40px solid transparent; border-left: 40px solid #3498db; position: absolute; right: -40px; top: 0; z-index: 1; } #crumbs ul li a:before { content: ""; border-top: 40px solid transparent; border-bottom: 40px solid transparent; border-left: 40px solid #d4f2ff; position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; } #crumbs ul li:first-child a { border-top-left-radius: 10px; border-bottom-left-radius: 10px; } #crumbs ul li:first-child a:before { display: none; } #crumbs ul li:last-child a { padding-right: 80px; border-top-right-radius: 10px; border-bottom-right-radius: 10px; } #crumbs ul li:last-child a:after { display: none; } #crumbs ul li a:hover { background: #fa5ba5; } #crumbs ul li a:hover:after { border-left-color: #fa5ba5; } </style> </head> <body> <div id="crumbs"> <ul> <li><a href="#1">One</a></li> <li><a href="#2">Two</a></li> <li><a href="#3">Three</a></li> <li><a href="#4">Four</a></li> <li><a href="#5">Five</a></li> </ul> </div> </body> </html>