Metadata Using - Attributes



using System;

namespace ConsoleApp1
    [System.AttributeUsage(System.AttributeTargets.Class |
                       AllowMultiple = true,
                       Inherited = true)]
    public class AuthorAttribute : System.Attribute
        string name;
        public double version;

        public AuthorAttribute(string name)
   = name;

            // Default value.  
            version = 1.0;

        public string GetName()
            return name;

    // Class with the Author attribute. 
    [Author("P. Ackerman")]
    public class FirstClass
        // ...  

    // Class without the Author attribute.  
    public class SecondClass
        // ...  

    // Class with multiple Author attributes.  
    [Author("R. Koch", version = 2.0), Author("P. Ackerman")]
    public class ThirdClass
        // ...  

    class TestAuthorAttribute
        public static void Test()

        private static void PrintAuthorInfo(System.Type t)
            System.Console.WriteLine("Author information for {0}", t);

            // Using reflection.  
            System.Attribute[] attrs = System.Attribute.GetCustomAttributes(t);  // Reflection.  

            // Displaying output.  
            foreach (System.Attribute attr in attrs)
                if (attr is AuthorAttribute)
                    AuthorAttribute a = (AuthorAttribute)attr;
                    System.Console.WriteLine("   {0}, version {1:f}", a.GetName(), a.version);

    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            TestAuthorAttribute TestAuthorAttribute = new TestAuthorAttribute();

    /* Output:  
        Author information for FirstClass  
           P. Ackerman, version 1.00  
        Author information for SecondClass  
        Author information for ThirdClass  
           R. Koch, version 2.00  
           P. Ackerman, version 1.00  

注意要點分成三個部份,自訂 Attribute、套用 Attribute、處理 Attribute。

一、自訂 Attribute

1、自訂 Attribute 時,類別必須繼承 System.Attribute。

2、可以利用 System.AttributeUsage 來設定 ValidOn、AllowMultiple、Inherited 三個參數。

3、ValidOn 參數的套用,可以對自訂 Attribute 作出應用限制,ValidOn 參數是指 AttributeTargets Enum

預設值是 AttributeTargets.All。

4、AllowMultiple 預設值為 false,Inherited 預設值為 true。

5、另一種對自訂 Attribute 作出應用限制,是指 Attribute targets

[type: System.AttributeUsage(System.AttributeTargets.Class |
                   AllowMultiple = true,
                   Inherited = true)]
public class AuthorAttribute : System.Attribute
    string name;
    public double version;

    public AuthorAttribute(string name)
    { = name;

        // Default value.  
        version = 1.0;

    public string GetName()
        return name;


Target value Applies to
assembly Entire assembly
module Current assembly module
field Field in a class or a struct
event Event
method Method or 「get」 and 「set」 property accessors
param Method parameters or 「set」 property accessor parameters
property Property
return Return value of a method, property indexer, or 「get」 property accessor
type Struct, class, interface, enum, or delegate

而有定義 Attribute targets 時,AttributeUsage 的 ValidOn 參數的設定可能會被忽略?


二、套用 Attribute

1、自訂 Attribute 名稱時,名稱的命名慣例可以帶有 Attribute 字尾;

而在套用 Attribute 名稱時,也可以省略 Attribute 字尾。

2、自訂 Attribute 的 class 一定要為 public,才能被他人使用。

3、Attribute 除了可以套在 class 上之外,也可以套在方法上;

而在 C# 7.3 更加可以套在 property、field 上。

using System;
using System.Reflection;

// An enumeration of animals. Start at 1 (0 = uninitialized).
public enum Animal
    // Pets.
    Dog = 1,

// A custom attribute to allow a target to have a pet.
public class AnimalTypeAttribute : Attribute
    // The constructor is called when the attribute is set.
    public AnimalTypeAttribute(Animal pet)
        thePet = pet;

    // Keep a variable internally ...
    protected Animal thePet;

    // .. and show a copy to the outside world.
    public Animal Pet
        get { return thePet; }
        set { thePet = value; }

// A test class where each method has its own pet.
class AnimalTypeTestClass
    public void DogMethod() { }

    public void CatMethod() { }

    public void BirdMethod() { }

class DemoClass
    static void Main(string[] args)
        AnimalTypeTestClass testClass = new AnimalTypeTestClass();
        Type type = testClass.GetType();
        // Iterate through all the methods of the class.
        foreach (MethodInfo mInfo in type.GetMethods())
            // Iterate through all the Attributes for each method.
            foreach (Attribute attr in
                // Check for the AnimalType attribute.
                if (attr.GetType() == typeof(AnimalTypeAttribute))
                        "Method {0} has a pet {1} attribute.",
                        mInfo.Name, ((AnimalTypeAttribute)attr).Pet);


 * Output:
 * Method DogMethod has a pet Dog attribute.
 * Method CatMethod has a pet Cat attribute.
 * Method BirdMethod has a pet Bird attribute.


三、處理 Attribute

主要的關鍵在於 Attribute.GetCustomAttribute


Type.GetPropertiesType.GetConstructors 方法的使用。



AttributeUsageAttribute Class

AttributeTargets Enum

Attribute Class

Attributes (C#)

Extending Metadata Using Attributes