一般資料表運算式(Common Table Expressions, CTE) with as 的使用
WITH londoncustomers AS (SELECT * FROM customers WHERE country = 'UK') SELECT * FROM londoncustomers WHERE city = 'London';
1、範例中 table londoncustomers 裡面放著國籍為 UK 的顧客,
然後再篩選出住在 London 顧客。
2、with as 的功用是,將一查詢句子做成一張 table,以便讓其他 select 句子查詢。
二、多 table 範例
WITH londoncustomers AS (SELECT * FROM customers WHERE country = 'UK'), londoncustomers2 AS (SELECT * FROM customers WHERE country = 'UK') SELECT * FROM londoncustomers a, londoncustomers2 b WHERE a.city = 'London';